Children are required to wear our school uniform and the correct PE kit as part of our home school agreement which all parents and children sign at the time of admission. We believe that uniform makes a clear break between school time and home time, as well as fostering a community feel for all school members. Our school uniform is as follows:
• Red sweatshirt
• Red cardigan (only available from Instant Images Embroidery Torrington)
• White polo shirt
• Black trousers, tailored shorts or skirt. (Red check or striped dresses in warmer weather)
• Black shoes or (if your child prefers) black trainers.
• Red sweatshirt up to size 32’’ £10.00 (£12.50 online)
• Red cardigan up to age 11-12yrs £14.50
Please can we remind you that it is essential to name all items of your child’s school uniform including their shoes as this ensures that missing items can be quickly returned to their owners.
Jewellery is not practical and is not encouraged; it can be dangerous and only leads to heartache and wasted time when it is lost or damaged. This includes bracelets, necklaces or any other types of jewellery. Only small studs should be worn by children with pierced ears. This greatly reduces the danger of ears being torn or injured during organised games or boisterous play. Children are expected to be able to remove their own ear studs before PE – staff are unable to help with this task. If your child is unable to remove their earring independently, please ensure they are not wearing them on their allocated PE day. It is helpful to supply your child with a small named bag or box to put their studs in until they get home when you can help them re-insert them.
Hair that is longer than shoulder length needs to be tied up for health and safety reasons.
PE Clothing:
On PE days, the children can wear PE kits for the full day. This should include a school jumper. The PE kit is made up of: A white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers. PE trainers do not have to be black. Black jogging trousers may be worn in colder weather. Gymnastics and dance lessons take place in the hall and children will have bare feet for these activities.
Please can we remind you that it is essential to name all items of your child’s school uniform as this ensures that missing items can be quickly returned to their owners.
Options for purchasing school uniform:
We understand that we are all experiencing challenging times currently and do not want uniform to be another pressure. We are working on setting up a ‘swap shop’ of uniform and will signpost you towards this. Currently we do have a small supply of second-hand sweatshirts available from the office.
Thank you for your support with this. We are keen to reach the highest levels that we can with our children and feel that wearing uniform helps us all to do this.
When COVID-19 restrictions are lifted:
A suitable, named PE bag will make it easier for your child to store their kit in the cloakroom during the week. Gymnastics and dance lessons take place in the hall and children will have bare feet for these activities.