The purpose of our curriculum is to increase the quantity and quality of what our students know; to give them a rich hinterland of knowledge and cultural capital which they will have access to and be able to build upon for the rest of their lives.
Our Curriculum: Foreign Languages
Here at St. Margaret’s we are proud of the extent and coverage of our FL curriculum. French is taught weekly across the whole Key Stage 2 age phase, and linked to learning in other subjects wherever possible. We use a wide range of resources and learning approaches to make it a fun and interactive experience for all our students; providing a ‘high-quality languages education which fosters pupils’ curiosity and gives them a deepening understanding of the world’ (DfE).
Our FL curriculum is vibrant, inclusive, systematic and communicates to pupils the principles and benefits to language learning. We chose French as the language taught as our intent is to achieve high quality provision, and by focussing on one language which we can resource effectively, this can be achieved. This enables all pupils at St Margaret's to benefit from the unique social and educational advantages and experiences learning a language can bring to pupils at primary school. It provides pupils with a grounding of skills and knowledge in linguistic competence creating a sound basis for further study at KS3 and promotes positive attitudes towards linguistic diversity in their school and beyond.
In French, we aim to offer our children:
The confidence to speak and interact with good intonation and pronunciation
Fluency in reading and writing
A strong global awareness, an interest in different cultures and lifestyles, and a developing understanding of themselves and their culture
A passion for languages and commitment to the subject
The ability to use languages creatively and spontaneously
An independence in their studies and the ability to draw upon a range of resources
The ability to understand and communicate in another language.
Opportunities to develop an enthusiasm for language learning.
Language skills and language learning skills.
Tolerance and a willingness to work co-operatively.
A sound start for further development at Key Stage 3 and beyond.
Why learn a foreign language?
We consistently promote the study of a foreign language (in our case, French) because of its increasing importance in both personal development and in global society.
Through learning a second language, such as French, the pupils benefit from:
A curiosity for, and deeper understanding of, the world
The ability to express their ideas and thoughts in another language
The ability to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing
opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking and read great literature in the original language
A foundation for learning further languages, equipping pupils to study and work in other countries.
~ adapted from the DfE Programme of Study
Catherine May – MFL subject lead.